मानसिक विमंदिता/ Mental Retardation
Mental Retardation is a delay, or slowness, in a child’s mental development। The child with mental retardation learns things more slowly than other children of the same age। In the beginning he may be late to smile, to move, to show interest in things, use his hands, sit, walk, speak, and understand or he may develop some of these skills more quickly, but be slower in others। To explain further, a child with mental retardation faces difficulties in learning, in using past experiences for the solution of present problems। He finds it difficult to remember, to understand and adjust to different situations। He does not develop mentally or even physically at the same rate as other children of the same age। For example, a child may be 8 years old but may have the abilities of a 4 or 5 year old child, or a 12 year old child may behave like a 4-5 year old or even less।